Beary, Bernard J.
- Existence: October 18, 1916- January 22, 2002
Bernard J. Beary was a personnel officer for several federal agencies, retiring in 1972 after five years as the U.S. Treasury Department's deputy director of personnel. He came to Washington, D.C., in 1940 to work at the Census Bureau, then did personnel work for the War Department's office of the quartermaster general from 1941 to 1950. After three years as assistant director of the National Production Authority, he joined the Post Office Department in 1953. In 1956 he received the Post Office's Meritorious Service Award for completing "one of the most difficult tasks ever undertaken in the field of position classification"; the task was developing and implementing legislation to evaluate and classify 500,000 postal field positions. He served as special assistant on personnel to the postmaster general in the early 1960s, leaving in 1967 as a personnel program planning officer. He then went to Treasury, where he recieved another Meritorious Service Award. He enjoyed genealogy. He is survived by his wife, Margaret; a daughter; three sisters; two brothers; and three grandsons. (From the Brown Alumni Magazine Obituaries)